
Is your organisation looking for a dynamic injection of enthusiasm & creativity?


Are you wanting to enhance confidence and well-being for your staff, and develop a more harmonious and supportive workplace?

One of our bespoke workshops will be a much appreciated investment. We offer:

  • 90 minute sessions

  • Half day workshops

  • Full day immersions

In the Workplace

Combining the latest discoveries in neuroplasticity and kinesiology, we deliver empowering workshops that employ creative team-building exercises to create lasting results. 

  • Drumming, rhythm & music

  • Brain training & play-based learning

  • Mindfulness & meditation

  • Movement & vocal expression


In addition to what we offer at our creative in-house workshops, we tailor conference sessions specifically to your organisations needs. Our unique approach is inclusive, motivational & joyful.

  • Ice breakers & energisers

  • Health & wellbeing seminars

  • Therapeutic sound immersion

We also offer energetic, captivating performances designed to uplift, entertain and enrich your conference delegates and take your conference to the next level!

Contact us to discuss how we can add value to your company or next corporate event

