Hertz So Good Sound Wave

Would you like to unwind, unravel & surrender as the sounds of beautiful healing instruments gently wash over you?


Let us take you on a guided meditative journey deep within the cells of your vibrational body. In our 90 minute session, simply lie down and allow yourself to be immersed in the blissful sounds of:

  • Handpans & other melodic instruments

  • Crystal & Tibetan singing bowls

  • Gongs, chimes & whirlies

  • Didgeridoo, vocals & mantras

  • Medicine drums, shakers & other percussive instruments

Hertz So Good Sound Waves are run regularly at Yoga Bones. We also provide healing soundscapes to deepen yoga and movement sessions, and are more than happy to be hosted by you in your:

  • Yoga studio

  • Wellness space

  • Retreat centre

  • Hospital, health facility or hospice



We’re also available to create a unique sound journey to support you or a loved one through life’s sacred transitions, whether:

  • Welcoming a baby into the world

  • Moving through a major health challenge

  • Enriching a ceremonial end of life gathering.

Hertz So Good offers a unique, deeply relaxing opportunity to find balance, stillness & acceptance within.
